Foster Care Angels is an ACNC registered charity with DGR Status. Since 2011, we have worked tirelessly to identify gaps and reduce the trauma suffered by children and young people affected by foster care.
Our current focus is on the education, support and empowerment of young people by providing them with essential life skills and stable accommodation post 18.
In order to provide our unique support services, we rely on the generous support of businesses and individuals.
By supporting a grassroots organisation you will be making a real difference to the lives of vulnerable young people with a care experience.
Care Packages
For 8 years our Care Packages helped to ease the transition into foster care. We are incredibly proud of our achievement in bringing this need to the attention of the New South Wales Government.
Carers Conference
Foster Care Angels support carers by organising a weekend conference with workshops, seminars, counselling support and the opportunity to build a peer support network.
Fostering Family Training and Support
Our pilot program "Coping When A Placement Ends" will help foster carers navigate this difficult time and continue caring for the most vulnerable members of our community.
We have piloted a suite of other training courses for carers based on the findings of our research report and abridged versions of these training courses are provided at our Carer Conferences.
Christmas Drive
The Christmas Drive program aims to provide Christmas gifts to children and young people living in alternative care arrangements at Christmas.
A-Maze-In Mind
Our program has been developed by a qualified counsellor who has extensive experience working with young people who have experienced trauma and are at great risk of experiencing mental health problems
Holiday Cabin
Sadly due to a change in local council requirements, we have had to say goodbye to our affordable holiday accommodation for fostering families.
Therapy Dog
The use of Therapy Dogs is designed to help young people improve their physical, social, emotional or cognitive function.
University Scholarship
We are thrilled that it is no longer necessary for us to offer our University Scholarship program. Since the introduction of our University Scholarship the New South Wales government has committed to three University Scholarships per year for young people with a care experience.
The Launch Pad
First established in 2019 this program offers long term, independent living with subsidised accommodation for 18 years olds who are exited from foster care on their 18th birthday. We also provide essential life skills training and education and employment pathways.
Research Paper
In 2019 we publish our first research report: Barriers to Foster Carer Engagement. We interviewed 70 carers and recorded their experiences of being a foster carer.